Everything You Need to Know about Pitru Paksha 2024

Everything You Need to Know about Pitru Paksha 2024
  • 19 Sep 2024
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Everything You Need to Know about Pitru Paksha 2024

Pitru Paksha is a significant period in Hindu tradition, observed to honor and pay respects to the ancestors or 'Pitru.' In 2024 Pitru Paksha holds immense spiritual value, and millions of Hindus across the world will partake in rituals to express their gratitude towards their forefathers. It is a time for offering Shradh, a ritual aimed at appeasing departed souls and seeking their blessings.


We will delve into Everything You Need to Know about Pitru Paksha 2024, including its importance, the rituals involved, the dates for Pitru Paksha 2024, how to remove Pitru dosh, and the dos and don'ts during this period.


What is Pitru Paksha?

Pitru Paksha, also known as Shradh, is a 16-day lunar period in the Hindu calendar dedicated to the ancestors. During this period, individuals perform Shradh rituals to ensure that the souls of their ancestors find peace and attain salvation. Pitru Paksha is observed in the month of Bhadrapada, starting from the full moon (Purnima) and ending on the new moon day (Amavasya).


In Pitru Paksha 2024, devotees will offer prayers, food, and water to appease their ancestors, believing that this helps the departed souls attain a higher realm of peace.


Significance of Pitru Paksha 2024

According to Hindu scriptures, ancestors are believed to visit their descendants during Pitru Paksha, expecting offerings and blessings. Failing to honor them through Shradh rituals could result in Pitru dosh, a condition where the family might face various obstacles, including financial difficulties, health issues, or delays in marriage.


In Pitru Paksha 2024, it is especially important for those who believe in astrology to perform Shradh rituals to prevent the accumulation of Pitru dosh and ensure the well-being of their family.


Dates for Pitru Paksha 2024

Pitru Paksha 2024 starts on September 17, 2024, and ends on October 1, 2024. This period consists of 16 days, each dedicated to performing Shradh rituals for specific ancestors, based on the day they passed away.


  • September 17, 2024 (Purnima Shradh): This is the day to perform Shradh for those ancestors who died on a full moon day.


  • October 1, 2024 (Sarva Pitru Amavasya): This marks the final day of Pitru Paksha, where the Shradh is performed for all ancestors.


Shradh Rituals During Pitru Paksha 2024

Shradh rituals are an integral part of Pitru Paksha and should be performed with devotion. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the rituals performed during Pitru Paksha 2024:


  • Tarpan: This is the act of offering water and sesame seeds to the ancestors, symbolizing purification and fulfillment of their spiritual needs.


  • Pind Daan: Pind Daan is the offering of rice balls mixed with black sesame seeds and barley flour. It represents nourishment for the ancestors' souls.


  • Brahmin Bhojan: Feeding Brahmins and offering them food, clothing, and dakshina (donation) is considered auspicious, as Brahmins are believed to carry the blessings of the ancestors.


Pitru Paksha 2024 - Chat with astrologer


  • Offering Food to Crows: Crows are regarded as messengers of Yama, the god of death. Offering food to crows during Pitru Paksha is symbolic of feeding the ancestors.


  • Reciting Mantras and Prayers: Special mantras and prayers, such as the Garuda Purana, are recited to invoke blessings from the ancestors and seek their forgiveness.


Pitru Dosh and Remedies During Pitru Paksha 2024

Pitru dosh occurs when the souls of ancestors are not at peace due to incomplete Shradh or karmic imbalances. The presence of Pitru dosh in one's horoscope can result in prolonged misfortune, family issues, and lack of prosperity.


During Pitru Paksha 2024, you can perform remedies to remove Pitru dosh:

  • Perform Shradh Rituals: Observing the Shradh rituals with sincerity is the most effective way to appease ancestors and eliminate Pitru dosh.


  • Conduct Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja: Consult with an astrologer to perform specific Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja, a ceremony aimed at neutralizing the effects of Pitru dosh.


  • Feed the Poor and Offer Charity: Donating food, clothing, and money to the needy during Pitru Paksha 2024 is considered a noble way to earn blessings from the ancestors.


  • Plant Peepal Trees: It is believed that planting Peepal trees and offering water to them can help reduce the effects of Pitru dosh.


Pitru Paksha Don’ts

While Pitru Paksha 2024 is a time of reverence and solemnity, there are certain things that should be avoided:


  • Do not start new ventures: Starting new business or personal ventures during Pitru Paksha is considered inauspicious as this is a period of mourning.


  • Avoid buying new assets: Purchasing assets like property, vehicles, or jewelry should be postponed until after Pitru Paksha, as it is not considered an ideal time for material acquisitions.


  • Avoid non-vegetarian food: Refrain from consuming non-vegetarian food, alcohol, and other tamasic (low energy) foods during this period.


  • Don’t neglect the rituals: Failing to perform Shradh rituals, especially if you are aware of the need to do so, could aggravate Pitru dosh.


  • Avoid celebrations: Avoid hosting or attending celebratory events like weddings or parties during Pitru Paksha as it is a time for honoring ancestors.


Chat with Astrologer

If you are unsure about the exact rituals or remedies to be performed during Pitru Paksha 2024, it is always a good idea to chat an astrologer. They can guide you on how to properly perform Shradh, the specific offerings to be made, and the mantras to chant based on your family’s traditions and astrological charts. Astrologers can also help in identifying the presence of Pitru dosh in your birth chart and suggest remedies for its removal.


Pitru Paksha 2024 - Chat with astrologer


Conclusion: Pitru Paksha 2024

Everything You Need to Know about Pitru Paksha 2024 points to the importance of honoring one’s ancestors to bring peace, prosperity, and harmony in life. The 16-day period, marked by Shradh rituals and prayers, is a crucial time for removing Pitru dosh and securing the blessings of the departed souls. By observing the dos and don’ts and consulting with astrologers when necessary, you can ensure that you honor your ancestors in the most respectful and auspicious manner.


FAQs: Pitru Paksha 2024

What is Pitru Paksha 2024?

Pitru Paksha 2024 is a 16-day period in the Hindu calendar dedicated to performing Shradh rituals to honor and seek blessings from one’s ancestors.


What are the dates for Pitru Paksha 2024?

Pitru Paksha 2024 starts on September 17, 2024, and ends on October 1, 2024, with each day dedicated to different ancestors.


How can I remove Pitru dosh during Pitru Paksha 2024?

You can remove Pitru dosh by performing Shradh rituals, conducting Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja, donating to the poor, and feeding Brahmins and animals like crows and cows.


What should be avoided during Pitru Paksha?

During Pitru Paksha, avoid starting new ventures, buying new assets, consuming non-vegetarian food, neglecting rituals, and celebrating festive occasions.


Why is it important to consult with an astrologer during Pitru Paksha?

Consulting with an astrologer helps in performing the correct Shradh rituals and identifying remedies for Pitru dosh based on your astrological chart.


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Author : Nikita Sharma

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